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Private Psychiatry LLP has used all reasonable care in compiling the content of this website but cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions. We will update material errors in the information if we are made aware of such errors, in a timely manner.
Private Psychiatry LLP was established in 2008 to provide high quality assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders. The practice prides itself on offering a caring, professional and efficient service for private mental health patients at several locations in London and across South East England. The consultant psychiatrists’ expertise, knowledge and commitment to the treatment of their patients is of the highest standards, and patients’ needs are always at the focus of the care provided.
We are committed to providing the highest quality of service we can and welcome feedback.
Private Psychiatry LLP is a private limited partnership registered in England & Wales No. OC336548. Registered Office: Globe House, Eclipse Park, Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3EN.
Registered partner: Dr Adrian J Winbow
Private Psychiatry LLP is registered and therefore licensed to provide services by the Care Quality Commission, Provider ID: 1-158769564