The Fear of Panic Disorder

Shortness of breath, a feeling of impending doom, churning stomach, a racing heart, sweating, headaches, pins and needles, feeling sick, trembling and faintness. Just some ...
Shortness of breath, a feeling of impending doom, churning stomach, a racing heart, sweating, headaches, pins and needles, feeling sick, trembling and faintness. Just some ...
As lockdown is very gradually lifted, life is very slowly returning ‘normal’. It will be some time however before our normal lives are really as ...
Private Psychiatry on Video Private Psychiatry has recently produced a series of videos featuring Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director, Dr Adrian Winbow. In these short ...
What are phobias? If you feel extremely frightened by something that other people think is not scary or dangerous and you do your best to ...
We can all feel nervous in certain social situations, but for some anxiety can be so intense and overwhelming that it can have a serious ...