10 Signs You Might Be Bipolar

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder characterised by severe mood swings. It is estimated that just over 1% of the UK population suffers from ...
Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder characterised by severe mood swings. It is estimated that just over 1% of the UK population suffers from ...
Private Psychiatry on Video Private Psychiatry has recently produced a series of videos featuring Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director, Dr Adrian Winbow. In these short ...
Mental Health in Pregnancy and Childbirth It’s supposed to be one of the happiest times in a woman’s life, but for some becoming a mum, ...
30 March 2018 is World Bipolar Disorder Awareness Day Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder Bipolar depression is a difficult but important diagnosis which is sometimes missed and ...
Why it’s important to get a good night’s sleep The connections between sleep and mental health have been clear for some time. Getting a good ...