Our consultant psychiatrists have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating a wide variety of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, and have also successfully treated patients with multiple diagnoses.

In addition, they have a number of specialist fields which include resistant or intractable depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, autistic spectrum disorders, ADHD, OCD and its links with body dysmorphia. They are also able to diagnose and treat many other common mental health conditions including those listed below.

Clicking on each of the conditions listed on the right will give you more information about each condition. This is not an exhaustive list of the mental health conditions we treat, so please get in touch for a confidential discussion.


We can recommend a variety of therapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), counselling, hypnotherapy, drama therapy, Cognitive Analytical Therapy (CAT), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), addictions therapy, group therapy, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, anxiety management and anger management.

Private Psychiatry on Video

Dr Adrian Winbow, Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director at Private Psychiatry answers some commonly asked questions on mental health conditions and treatments in a series of short videos, including what are the symptoms of depression; what is bipolar disorder, what is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and how can anxiety be treated? These videos can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Private Psychiatrist Private Psychiatry YouTube channel photo


Further Information

You will find further practical advice and information on common mental health conditions, including symptoms and treatments on our regularly updated News pages. 

There are also numerous National Helplines and information leaflets on common mental health conditions which can provide you with further initial advice and support.


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